Information collected on this website and at our events

The information about you that we may collect includes any messages or comments you submit to us, photographs and videos. This includes:

  • any details you provide to us as part of a registration / booking process;
  • any messages, comments and survey feedback you provide to us which may include personal information such as your name and contact details;
  • information collected when you participate in an event; and
  • your email address, username if you register or subscribe to our contact lists or social media platforms.

We may use “cookies” which store some information on computers accessing our website. We may use cookies and web analytics such as Google Analytics to assist in improving the experience for all users of the website and for online advertising. Cookies may also be used to manage security and store information about the type of browser being used. You can change your cookie settings via your browser settings.

Use and disclosure of information

We may use and disclose your personal information for the primary purpose of delivering our programs, or for reasonably expected secondary purposes which are related to the primary purpose, or for purposes to which you have consented. In addition, we may use or disclose personal information that we collect about you to discharge our duty of care and to the extent that we are required to by law to do so.

We may also share personal information with third parties. The types of third parties to whom we may disclose personal information include our auspice organisation, activity co-ordinators and administrators engaged by us to assist in delivering our events in which participants and volunteers are involved.

We may use and disclose aggregated non-personally identifying information collected as part of our process of constantly improve and promote our programs.


Our website may, from time to time, contain links to the websites of other organisations. Linked websites are responsible for their own privacy practices and you should check those websites for their respective privacy statements.


We use a number of mechanisms to protect the security and integrity of your personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as completely secure. So while we strive to protect such information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. Once any personal information comes into our possession, we will take reasonable steps to protect that information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Bookings and Payments

We process all bookings and payments on our website using the Trybooking ticketing system and you can read about the security of their service here: and their privacy policy here: You should only proceed if you accept these.

Contact us

Please contact us if you have any queries or complaints about the Personal Information that we hold about you or the way we handle it. Our contact details are below:

Address to: Meet Pi

Attention:  Privacy Officer